Monday, April 10, 2017

A Lovely Weekend

Guess who I got to meet yesterday!

(She was dressed for church. I was dressed for a long car ride.)

We drove down to Austin, Texas on Friday to visit family and drove back on Sunday. I have always had mixed feelings about meeting people I only know online, mostly because the people I'm most attracted to online are all better educated than I am and I worry about what kind of impression I will make. I'm really just a dumb redneck with a sort of weird variety of interests. Fortunately, my husband can talk to anyone so I knew I wouldn't have to worry much about awkward silences.

I really enjoyed our little get-together. It didn't feel like I was meeting Erica for the first time because she is exactly as I always imagined her. We had lunch at a little Italian restaurant called Roma's. I didn't really mind that it took them forever to bring our food because it gave us more time to talk.

* * *

Saturday with family (in-laws) was great too. There were cousins there whom I had only met briefly over 30 years ago and also some I had not met before including some really sweet and adorable kids. So it was a lovely and fun weekend.


  1. Well, I have some of the same "weird" interests, so it's cool.

    And I may well be trying to find a day this summer when I can get up to Claremore, since no teaching = I should probably take more time to have fun.

  2. I swear, you look like long-lost BFFs who finally got back together. :)
