Friday, December 29, 2023

Plans, Not Resolutions

Everyone is thinking about New Years Resolutions, either making them or declaring that they do not make resolutions. I guess I'm doing the latter. I don't make resolutions but I do make plans. Resolutions feel like formal commitments. Plans can be casual, tentative. Plans can be changed or adjusted.

It seems like most people make resolutions that are hard or unpleasant. Eat healthy, exercise more, make peace with a problematic relative, write a book. But resolutions don't have to be a challenge or sacrifice. You can resolve to do more of what makes you happy even if it's just spending more days being a couch potato.

Of course there's nothing wrong with self improvement but even in that case thinking in terms of plans instead of resolutions might put you in a better mental space and more likely lead to success.

So anyway, I have plans for 2024.

1. Write something on this blog once in a while. No firm time commitment right now. Maybe once a week, maybe once a month. Probably irregularly.

2. Make 2 or 3 quilts. It has been several years since I worked on a quilt and I have several in mind that I really want to make.

3. Try harder to work down my huge fabric stash and possibly give some pieces away.

4. Go through my stuff and try to get rid of a few things.

5. Finally finish the latch hook kit I started over 42 years ago.

6. Keep on living my life pretty much as I have been for the past few years because life is great and I don't want to mess with that.

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