Monday, October 11, 2021

Thoughts on Quitting and Starting Again

They tell you, "Don't be a quitter," but if quitting makes your life better then by all means quit! But this is only a blog and anyway, I never intended to quit so this doesn't apply here.

Spending time on Twitter instead of blogging has made my online life better though. On Twitter I get some feedback - likes and retweets and replies. On the blog, for the last few years I have felt like I was talking to an empty room. But sometimes I have things to say that are easier to say in a blog post than in a tweet thread. Still, what's the point of saying it if no one is reading it?

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely do not want to be an "A-list" blogger, even though I have things I wish I could say to the whole world. Popular bloggers get trolls. All I want is half a dozen to a dozen comments from half a dozen or more people on most blog posts. The bloggers I envy are the ones that attract a pleasant little community of commenters.

But whining about being unpopular isn't going to make me popular, right? So I don't know, I'm thinking I want to try this again, not every day but maybe one or two blog posts a week, but no promises.

The crazy thing, is that for a long time, even before I "quit," I have been thinking about starting another blog, one with a political focus. Haha, another blog to abandon. Oh, and then there's my (also unpopular) sewing blog which I have also semi-abandoned and would like to get back to. But we'll see what happens. One day at a time, as they say.